What the Fuck? 0_0
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How the fuck? 0_0
No I'm kidding. But there will be people like that. The Fountain is to me an amazing movie that I admit at times I was thinking WTF and later HTF but I am going to label it arthouse so it gets away with things like that. The plot is honestly at times hard to follow because it is three very different stories intertwined with each other. And when I tried to watch it a second time so I could clarify plot lines I kept being easily distracted as if I didn't want to. So far I've been giving the film negative comments but if you look aside all of that you'll understand that I'm saying this is a beautiful film of love, life and death artistically instead of conveniently depicted in the form of a 1000 year old odyssey starring Hugh Jackman presenting some fine moments in the film.
My attempt of explaining the plot is this. The three stories consist of a neural surgeon(Jackman) trying to find a cure to brain tumors for his wife who is indeed suffering of a rapidly growing tumor herself. During this his wife is writing a book entitled The Fountain about a spanish conquistador(Also Jackman) on a quest to find the Tree of Life. During all this, and this is the element that will throw people off, is an anonymous man (again Jackman) floating upwards in a nebula that the surgeon and his wife have seen. If you are willing to go past the fact that this film has some very eccentric qualities you will certainly enjoy the skilled acting from all the actors and the innovative ways in which the director has placed this movie.
Taking all this into account I am giving it a 7 out of 10 because though the acting was stunning and there is a particular scene in the bathroom that I thought was genius (see if you can pick it out) the plot just wasn't quite connected and the ending seemed to be too conclusive. Not Hugh Jackman's best work but still a great film.